Online Consultation
ปรึกษา ทางการแพทย์
skin texture improve
Register : 10-13-2024 10:01 pm
pore problem and dry skin

Hello, thank you so much for your interest in Renewme skin clinic.

For improving pore problem and skin texture, we usually use lasers and injection. For minimizing pores, we recommend Aqua Peeling and Pico laser. 

And if you would like to improve your skin texture, you may refer to packages recommended in this site: https://bkken.rnmeskin.com/clinic1/prp.php

Please check the website and if you have any questions, please contact us below
  • renewmeth
  • renewmeskin
  • renewmeskin
  • renewmeskin
  • @renewmeskin.th
  • renewmeth@gmail.com
Thank you
Best regards
On-line Consult

If you apply it,
We will consult via messenger or Email
