Online Consultation
ปรึกษา ทางการแพทย์
acne scar
Register : 05-03-2024 05:05 pm
I've been concerning about acne scar.
This is too stressful and a lot of cosmetic products don't seem to be helpful.
It doesn't work with my symptoms.
Can you explain to me about your acne scar program?
I'll be in Bangkok in 1-2 weeks.
Hello thank you so much for your interest in Renewme Skin Clinic. 

You have made inquiry about acne scar treatment. 

In response to your inquiry, 

Regarding treatment methods, 
We currently provide Discovery PICO laser which is the most advanced laser technology, and has been approved safety and efficacy by U.S. FDA, KOREA, KFDA, and Europe CE. 
PRP contains condensed platelets which can act to vitalize skin. Blood is withdrawn from the patient, centrifuged, then injected back into the skin.
PRP nutrients easily penetrate into the skin and promotes skin regeneration. 
It also stimulates fibroblasts without damaging skin to induce collagen production by adjusting the length and speed of needle for each patient's skin condition.
Cryocell, Cryo-eletropheresis delivers vitamins and nutrients to frozen skin by using electric current. 
It contracts the blood vessel to prevent them from absorbing the solution, making results longer lasting. 
It helps the skin recover more quickly with cooling and soothing.

We greatly appreciate your cooperation.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Again, thank you for choosing Renewme clinic.

Best regards,
Renewme Skin Clinic
Please check the website and if you have any questions, please contact us below
  • renewmeth
  • renewmeskin
  • renewmeskin
  • renewmeskin
  • @renewmeskin.th
  • renewmeth@gmail.com
Thank you
Best regards
On-line Consult

If you apply it,
We will consult via messenger or Email
