Hello thank you so much for your interest in Renewme Skin Clinic.
You have made inquriy about RF lifting treatment.
In response to your inquriy
Yes we do provide RF lifting laser treatment called Thermage FLX.
What is Thermage FLX?
The 4th generation, Thermage FLX is upgraded to a whole new level from the 3th edition Thermage CPT.
Thermage transfers energy to the dermal layer and subcutaneous fat layer without damaging skin surface. It has more powerful energy to contract and regenerate collagen. It has natural lifting and tightening effects.
- 25% faster procedure time with 33% larger tip size than Thermage CPT
- Automatic algorithm improvement for accurate treatment.
- Produce collagen and increase elasticity from transferring accurate and efficient energy.
-More comfortable with less pain from disturbance signal.
-More immediate effect
or additional online-consultation services,
We greatly appreciate your cooperation.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Again, thank you for choosing Renewme clinic.
Best regards,
Renewme Skin Clinic
- renewmeth
- renewmeskin
- renewmeskin
- renewmeskin
- @renewmeskin.th
- renewmeth@gmail.com
Best regards