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Principle of PRP
Register : 05-17-2024 02:47 pm
I saw PRP procedure on your instagram and faecbook.
What's about it?
Is it safe? How is the procedure done?

What is PRP?
PRP is the plasma that contains condensed platelets.
PRP contains condensed platelets which can act to vitalize skin.
Blood is withdrawn from the patient, centrifuged, then injected back into the skin.

What is principle of PRP? 
1) Collecting blood: A small amount of blood is drawn from the patient's arm 
2) Separating the Platelets: The blood goes for kits to separate Platelets from collecting blood 
3) Centrifugattion: The blood goes for a spin in a centrifugate separating the platelets from the rest of the blood 
4) Treatment: The plasma is injected PRP into the injured skin area
5) Back to daily life: The plasma is injected PRP into the injured skin area

What is the role of Platelet? 

Platelet l Platelet is blood cells inside of blood that created at marrow by 2000, circulated 10days and eliminated from blood

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