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tattoo removal how much?
Register : 05-17-2024 12:35 pm
Will it vary after consulting with the doctor?
How does it work?

Hello thank you so much for your interest in Renewme Skin Clinic.

You have made inquriy about tattoo removal. 

 In response to your inquriy

1cm x 5cm Letter Size tattoo 2700THB 

3cm x 4cm card size tattoo 3800THB 

What is tattoo removal?


       Tattoos are permanent markings on the skin that made by ink. The ink is deposited into the dermal layer that remains almost permanent. The tattoo removal uses laser without damaging the skin layer. The effects depend on how pigments are removed and whether the pigments in the dermal and epidermal layer can be removed.


Renewme Skin clinic has discovery pico laser. The energy from the laser will penetrate through the skin in picoseconds pulse (1/1,000,000,000,000 sec) rather than nanoseconds pulse(1/1,000,000,000sec) and breaks up melanin and pigment particles in “picoseconds” pulses. The laser system is used for pigmented lesions including age spots, freckles, and ota spots and birthmark etc.


Pico laser uses two wavelengths to show effects pigments on epidermal and dermal layer. 532NM Wavelength applies to epidermal pigmented lesions and 1064NM Wavelength applies to dermal pigmented lesions. It allows the diverse range of colors and particle sizes.


The laser allows the diverse range of colors and particle sizes that has countless formulations and sizes in many different color; black, grey, red, and even blue inks, and it can effectively be removed with less frequent with pico technology.



 Website: http://bkken.rnmeskin.com/clinic4/tattoo.php

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  • renewmeth
  • renewmeskin
  • renewmeskin
  • renewmeskin
  • @renewmeskin.th
  • renewmeth@gmail.com
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